Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Silly Bean Hot Weather Hack: Spray Bottles!

Earlier this week, I posted in a moms group on social media to ask about tips on how to keep a toddler cool in the summer in a carseat. Silly Bean is normally a warm kid in general, but summer is really difficult because the sweatiness also exacerbates Silly Bean's eczema (see the post about food allergies). But anyway, one mom responded with a few ideas, and one of them was spritzing her child occasionally on longer road trips with water from a spray bottle.

Needless to say, I thought that was a genius summer idea! Plus, we had 2 spray bottles at home that weren't being used (the only time I use it is when I cut Silly Bean's hair, which is maybe only once a month). The past few days, which has been in the 90s, we carried a spray bottle in Silly Bean's backpack and occasionally spritzed ourselves when we were playing outside to cool off.

Our idea then evolved as we thought about "What else can we spray?" We went around the neighborhood spraying our chalk art, ants, some grass, flowers, baby pinecones...


Mailboxes... other neighbors... 😁

This was a lot more fun than the ice sensory play we tried last week! We even came home and spritzed our plants on the balcony (which have been growing so much since this last post!), and sprayed some random splotches of soil. Then Baba showed Silly Bean how to turn the nozzle to change the way the water comes out, and Silly Bean had another new game of shooting water out in a line at the trees (like a mini water gun). Maybe we'll have a week's worth of more spray bottle fun!

What are your hot weather hacks for toddlers?

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